Fizzygum is a new web framework, an entire platform really, designed from the ground up to do complex things easily. Things like: live documents, complex apps, complex sets of apps, or even entire custom environments. Fizzygum puts the power of an entire Operating System at […]

Let’s talk about Lean: is Goldratt’s “die and matchsticks” example in “The Goal” correct?
all the code, numeric results and images related to this post are at Summary The “die and matchsticks” game is presented in Goldratt’s best-seller “The Goal” as an example of subtle unintuitive behaviours of a pretty general “chain of workers” system. As the book analyses […]

Algebrite 2016
Algebrite is a Computer Algebra System in javascript. In fact Algebrite is currently the most advanced javascript computer algebra library. Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) enable symbolic computation (in addition to numerical computation), allowing for example determination of exact solutions to problems rather than approximate ones, and even provide/support […]

Rapture-index Dashboard 2016
A dashboard visualising data from the Rapture index site. Github page here. “Look at him, with his ironic digital art pieces on the state of modern news reportage.” – @stilliterate A possible description as follows: “the Rapture index is a Dow Jones Industrial Average of end time […]

Hula hoop geodesic dome 2015
A geodesic dome built with hula hoops and nylon cable ties, a little proof of concept.

Facebook ads – absolute best of
If there was a book to teach me how… ah wait there it is. Be covered for when the wheels of steel get out of control. quack! Looking natural too. broken legs So you can go back roller skating on gravel in the middle of […]

Plausible good reason to have kids
in the “pro” column: “maybe little monkey makes billions”.

Paper chips. Good for diet.
…from the “confiscated objects” exposition in the V&A Museum of Childhood

Nelson Mandela Christmas Deal
Let’s have a minute of composure to remember, but also, fuck, £9.99 for The Smurfs 2 ????

Wand is not working
“perfect for a harry potter costume, received wand that was not working”

Sean Lee Davies – Pro photographer – cheap camera
Sean Lee Davies – Pro photographer – cheap camera

USB-powered lil’ skull friend 2014
When your social media friends let you down. When the coding gets hard. When there aren’t enough seeders for your torrent. He’s there for you.

Playful geometries 2014
“Playful Geometries” is a nifty coloured and fun installation made by me and Patrick Gaunt (aka paddywwoof) consisting of interactive projections of 3d shapes and patterns. “Playful geometries” is a sound-reactive, multi-user, multi-screen and it scales from coffee-table personal living-room toy to hangar-size premiere-grand-opening scale. Interaction is based […]

Texture montages
from the SIGGRAPH 2005 paper ” TextureMontage: Seamless Texturing of Arbitrary Surfaces From Multiple Images”, by Kun Zhou, Xi Wang, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum. link to paper A tiger mapped onto a lioness: …a zebra mapped onto a horse: …a leopard […]

Single-View Hair Modeling for Portrait Manipulation
from the SIGGRAPH 2012 paper “Single-View Hair Modeling for Portrait Manipulation”, by Menglei Chai, Lvdi Wang, Yanlin Weng, Yizhou Yu, Baining Guo, Kun Zhou. link to paper

How many slices of cheese between hazard and losses?
Four. Exactly four. More information in the (published!) paper: “Human reliability analysis: A critique and review for managers”

Yo, check it out: business advantage through information technology transformation
Surfing a couple of Tumblrs, I am an expert on the topic of “the deeply absurd”. Knowledge, meet practice: I recently went to a “Lean Kanban” (it’s a project management thing) conference here in London, which turned out to be a portentous source of fantastic […]

Is Stephen J. Shanabrook behind the “Black Mirror” series 2 poster?
Is Stephen J. Shanabrook the secret author of the “Black Mirror” series 2 poster?

Raspberry-pi autoVJ 2013
Automatic motion graphics for Raspberry pi using pi3d framework, source available on github. AutoVJ works by simply modifying the properties of two primitives (a cube and a background plane). Properties can be: the shader, the scale of the shader, the scale of the object, the rotation speed, the […]

RX100 DIY fisheye 2013
I love fisheye photography and I own a Sony RX100. Unfortunately there are no cheap fisheye lenses for this camera (only some expensive ones for underwater photography). So here is how to make one. 1) buy an Opteka 43mm ultra-fisheye lens. These cost around £60. […]

Harinezumi hacking 2013
I use my Harinezumi a lot. It’s like the Holga, but digital. Hipster you say? Hell yeah. Harinezumi misses a proper timelapse feature, the one out of the box shoots low-fps videos, which is not good cause it cuts the resolution in half and introduces some nasty […]

“The Real Goss” iPhone app 2013
“The Real Goss” is a (working) prototype app done for a Shazam hackday. The song is first recognised (using an internal Shazam SDK available to me). The app then picks up the names of any celebrity from either the title or the author of the […]

LiveCodeLab 2012
LiveCodeLab is a web-based livecoding environment. Site here. Github page here. It was created and released by me in April 2012, and then from November 2012 co-authored by me and Guy John aka Rumblesan, together with many other contributors. LiveCodeLab is currently my second most popular open source project, with […]

Generative sketches book 2012
Made as a Christmas gift for some friends who are into generative arts, this book (limited edition not for sale) collects high-definition pictures of about 180 sketches made with Processing on the site. Some of the pictures are in the Illustrations/Generative area of this […]

Shazhoven 2011
A fun iPad app made for a Shazam hack-day, Shazhoven is a hang-on-the-wall application that listens for music and re-enacts a “dancing” Beethoven, dressing him up depending on the genre of the music. Made with OpenFrameworks. (due to key parts of the application belonging to […]

LW minimal interpreter 1998
… a small java interpreter for the didactic (toy) LW imperative language, used in some universities to teach the basics of imperative languages, and the concepts of static analysis, basic parsing, handling scope, what a state is, the difference between an expression and a command, […]